Filed in Movies The Monkey

Elijah Wood Replaced Another Actor in Stephen King’s ‘The Monkey’

Elijah Wood plays Petey’s step-dad in one hilarious scene, and as it turns out, this was a last-minute change that the production crew would quickly adapt to, as O’Brien would tell ScreenRant:

“When we first were going to film that scene, they had someone else cast as the dad. But I think Oz heard that Elijah Wood was going to be in Vancouver for Comic-Con, and so they sent him the script because he wanted to look at it and be a part of it.”

With Wood on board, the production crew would get things ready for the character’s hilarious scene.

Wood’s character in The Monkey is an author of parenting books, meaning the set design for his scene required several new additions, especially since the actor would be joining so late into the production. O’Brien would talk about what was done to the set, saying, “within a couple of days, they did face scans, they got the poster boards, they printed the covers for all those books. And he was like, ridiculously good for the amount of time he had to prepare. He was hilarious.”

Source: MSN


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