Blair’s film, rated R for strong violence, screened at a handful off genre film festivals — the reviews have been decent. However, the film still has no distributor.
I reached out to a producer, and they tell me the film “unreleasable” and that its commercial prospects are “too out there” for theatrical release. They believe that if the film does get picked up it would most likely go straight to VOD or streaming.
If it had great reviews then maybe the forecast would be a little rosier, but there isn’t much potential. It’s too niche. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see it on Tubi a few years from now.
“The Toxic Avenger” had its first public screening last September at Fantastic Fest, it went on to be seen at Beyond Fest and the Sitges Film Festival. That’s about it. I’m surprised it hasn’t even shown up in the just-announced Fantasia Film Festival lineup.
Source: World of Reel